A few weeks back, something got lost in the shuffle. The lead designer of Madden NFL 10, Ian Cummings confirmed that pass speeds will now be more realistic. If you missed it, check it out here. http://insideblog.easports.com/archive/2009/03/09/creating-sim-style-gameplay-in-madden-nfl-10.aspx
As a "sim" gamer, this brings a whole new dynamic to the passing game. No longer will Chad Pennington throw the ball like Dan Marino in is prime.
In Madden 09 a typical bullet pass exceeded 77mph. Not with just Bret Favre, but with everyone. This year the max speed has been changed to 70mph for a QB with 99 throw power in perfect weather.
Not only is this not just a "sim" change, It will also make the passing game much more realistic. QB's will now be able to put more touch on their passes, allowing receivers to run more fluid routes.
This is just another one, of the many "sim" like changes to this years game.
Looks good my man. Definitely quality reads on here!